LocIX Route Servers

At LocIX we maintain some route servers
If you want to peer with them , you can found their configuration below We highly recomend you to peer with all our routeservers

Nb: all our servers use IRRDB filtering, be sure you define your AS-SET on your ixp manager profile
and have route objects on your RIR database

Route server configuration

Hostname ASN IPv4 IPv6
rs01.dus.locix.network 202409 2a0c:b641:701::a5:20:2409:1
rs02.dus.locix.network 202409 2a0c:b641:701::a5:20:2409:2

Route server action codes / Bgp communities

We support some basic bgp large communities to let you do specific anouncements


At LocIX, we maintain nullroute community.

Community: (202409, 666, 666)

To be fully compatible, you need to follow those rules:
- Accept up to /32 or /128 with our nullroute community
- Send us your blackhole route with this community
- Have this route included into your subnet (irrdb filtered)
- Blackhole on your side any route received with that community

Announce / don't announce to specific members

By default, you got reanounced to every members.
If you don't want that, you can combine community below to do more specific things

Announce nowhere (202409, 0, 0)
Announce to everyone (202409, 1, 0)
Announce to specific member (202409, 1, <peerasn>)
Don't announce to specific member (202409, 0, <peerasn>)


For announce to no one except HE, you define the two community below:
(202409, 0, 0) and (202409, 1, 6939)

You want announce to everyone except AS206499:
(202409, 0, 206499)

Prepend route for specific AS

With route server, you can prepend up to 5 time announcement for specific member
This setup can be usefull if you want to preference other sessions with that member

To do that, just add the community below
(202409, 11, <dstasn>)

The second digit define the number of prepend. 11 = 1x, 12 = 2x , 13 = 3x, 14 = 4x and 15 = 5x